Acupuncture is more than just needles! There are some ancillary skills that also form a part of this medicine, and these will be incorporated into treatments whenever appropriate.
Moxibustion is the burning of a herb, moxa, or Chinese Mugwort, on or close to the skin to warm up acupuncture points. This warming affect can create a more nourishing and dynamic treatment.
Moxa can be seen in treatments where there is pain and inflammation, as well as a common therapy to support energy, digestion, and menstrual health. It is famously integrated into our NHS, and advised by midwives, for its use helping to turn a breech baby. Moxa quickly becomes everyone’s favourite part of the treatment, due to its comforting and calming warmth.
Moxibustion is a key part of acupuncture and something Alice has had a keen interest in since her first introduction to Chinese Medicine. This is what led Alice to take a deep dive into moxa and the mechanisms under which it brings therapeutic effects. Alice’s work was then published in the Journal of Chinese Medicine, the largest English-speaking Chinese medical journal in the world. Due to this work, Alice has an incredible knowledge of this therapy and how it can bring about change for you and your health. Here in Brockley, moxa is being used for a huge array of reasons, and patients love it!
If you want to take a look at this research, you can do so here.
To find out how Moxibustion could form a part of your acupuncture appointments, let’s chat!
Gua Sha
GuaSha is a friction-based technique, primarily used for muscle tension. It involves using a tool and some oil on the skin to pull across the surface of the skin. It feels similar to a massage, instantly leaving patients feeling lighter and standing taller, as well as long lasting changes to pain. This amazing process is not only therapeutic but also diagnostic, meaning Alice can use GuaSha to gain a better understanding of where tension is being held, and what muscle groups are involved.
This technique works by its ability to upregulate the immune system and promote the body’s anti-inflammatory response. GuaSha is frequently requested by patients after their first experience, as they fall in love with the feeling and the results.