Dinner on the Hill


Dinner on the Hill is a monthly, free, three course dinner for families that access emergency food support in Lewisham. This is not a soup kitchen or food bank, instead we aim to provide a real treat and restaurant experience to families that might otherwise be unable to enjoy these special moments. We regularly host around 30 people for dinner at Pistachios in the Park, Hilly Fields Cafe, in Brockley on the last Monday of every month and have been doing so since March 2024.

South London charity action - Dinner on the Hill Logo

This project is a true team effort, A D Acupuncture provides finances and business minded streamlining and efficiency, but its also the work of amazingly community focused individuals who plan these nights, chefs who create incredible food for free, and servers who give up their evening to get involved.

If you would like to support our work, you can donate here at our Go Fund Me page. But just by booking an appointment at A D Acupuncture, you make a donation to this project. A percentage of every treatment fee goes to the project and gives families in our community a dining experiance we all deserve.


Our next event:

Monday 31st March, hosted at En Root, in partnership with St.Peters Church and John Stainer School and Angels Breakfast and Afterschool Club.

Previous Events:

Monday 24th February in partnership with St.Peters Church and John Stainer School

Monday 27th January in partnership with St.Peters Church and John Stainer School

For Christmas 2024, we hosted our largest dinner so far. We hosted 70 people at Parlez for an amazing 3 course festive meal. We had support from the community in a major way to fundraise for this event. This was an incredible evening and we hope to have dinners on this scale again in 2025. This event was supported by other local businesses too, including The Proud Sow Butchers, and Ellary’s.