TCM Diet Therapy
Along with acupuncture, diet therapy is also a part of Chinese Medicine and something Alice has taken post graduate study in. Diet therapy is integrated into all treatments as and when appropriate.
TCM diet therapy not only looks at what we eat, but also how we cook and eat. Due to the complexities of TCM diet therapy, and to encourage patients even more in their lifestyle changes, A D Acupuncture supports patients with specifically designed recipes, created by master recipe writer Tom Mitchel Dawson.
Alice and Tom put their expertise together on a mission to create delicious yet achievable meals that target specific diagnoses within Chinese Medicine. With Alice’s incredible knowledge of TCM nutrition, and Tom’s ability to put ingredients together and create food that is easy to make and so tasty, the result is wonderful. This work means patients can leave their acupuncture appointments with a selection of recipes that help them discover new and interesting ways to eat certain foods and cook in certain ways. We feel this is a more accessible and exciting way to bring about changes to your diet.
Alice works in a pragmatic and individualised way, and diet therapy is no different. No long lists of foods to stop eating, no strict diets, no sudden overhaul, no fad ingredients or wonder superfoods, no counting or number crunching. This is about seeing food and mealtimes differently, under a different lens, to bring about long-term change to your health, whilst nurturing your relationship with food.